- 1576.
DevOps'ish 210: Net Neutrality, Burnout, DevSecOps, Kubernetes galore, SubStack is bull, and more
- 1577.
Issue 499
- 1578.
DevOps'ish 209: Hafnium, dhcpcd needs new maintainer, Beat the Systemic Racism of IT, Google HR issues, OVH disaster, git vulnerability, sigstore and more
- 1579.
DevOps'ish Microsoft Exchange Hafnium Compromise Index
- 1580.
Issue 498
- 1581.
DevOps'ish 208: KubeCon problems, tech is the easy part, Okta eats Auth0 whole, Exchange vulns, Digital Ocean IPO, #100DaysOfKubernetes, and more
- 1582.
Issue 497
- 1583.
HelloGitHub 第 59 期
- 1584.
DevOps'ish 207: Solarwinds, 4 hour a week Kubernetes maintainer, mischievous Mailchimp, secrets management, Digital Ocean IPO, Sysdig, BOOP, Flux, and More
- 1585.
Issue 496
- 1586.
DevOps'ish 206: Kubernetes README, 'I will slaughter you', Corey Quinn in NYT, 200 Million Certificates in 24 Hours, GitOps with Flux2, K8s on ISS, and more
- 1587.
Issue 495
- 1588.
为什么 Python 的 f-string 可以连接字符串与数字?
- 1589.
深入 Python 解释器源码,我终于搞明白了字符串驻留的原理!
- 1590.
[译] PEP-255:简单的生成器