- 1636.
103: DevOps for All, Requirements, Discord Acquisition Coming, Kubernetes Myths, Service Meshes, and More
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- 1638.
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102: Web Development is Hard, Veterans, Kubernetes, Ansible, DevOps Engineer title debate, Google Woes, sr.ht, and More
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- 1641.
再聊聊 Python 中文社区的翻译
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101: Self-Care, Kubernetes, Red Hat Acquisition, Veterans, HQ2, Heptio Acquisition, and More
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学习 Python,怎能不懂点 PEP 呢?
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100: At Least it Wasn't Oracle, IBM Acquiring Red Hat, AWS, Amazon HQ2 News, Kubernetes, #noServerNovember, Neomonolith, and More
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DevOps'ish IBM Red Hat Acquisition Index
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详解 Python 拼接字符串的七种方式
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HelloGitHub 第 31 期
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099: AllThingsOpen, GitHub's Ups and Downs, Google's Grossness Grows, Serverless DevOps, Kubernetes, and More
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Python 对象的身份迷思:从全体公民到万物皆数