- 1276.
- 1277.
Issue 568
- 1278.
DevOps'ish 276: Packed with projects, Chrome OS Flex, DevOpsDays Seattle, Screaming in the Cloud, 'critical' projects maintained by volunteers, OSS Insight, and more
- 1279.
生信爱好者周刊(第 36 期):“费钱、费力、不费脑”是中国该提倡的科研吗?
- 1280.
- 1281.
Issue 567
- 1282.
生信爱好者周刊(第 35 期):生物信息行业的经济生态
- 1283.
DevOps'ish 275: Snakebit, You Belong Here, lots more layoffs, MI5 and FBI heads issue joint statement, 10 Awesome Kubernetes Projects for Beginners, and more
- 1284.
- 1285.
Issue 566
- 1286.
DevOps'ish 274: Changing roles, drunk worker nearly creates privacy disaster, more layoffs, Kubernetes scanning with Trivy, OpenSSL 3.0.4 vuln, my ultimate dev environment, IE tombstone, and more
- 1287.
- 1288.
Issue 565
- 1289.
HelloGitHub 第 75 期
- 1290.
混沌周刊 #37 | Just another WWDC