- 1321.
- 1322.
DevOps'ish 223: Hostile AWS Free Tier, Bye bye Bezos, InfoSec competencies, Rust in Linux Kernel, Git for Computer Scientists, secrets on the CLI, and more
- 1323.
- 1324.
DevOps'ish 222: Industry under pressure, Holy $%^& I agree with Torvalds, US Congress begins assault on big tech, polkit vuln, ALPACA, How To Love Kubernetes and Not Wreck The Planet, and more
- 1325.
- 1326.
DevOps'ish 221: On the passing of Peeyush Gupta, Apple employees balk at return to office plans, 1:1 with CNCF's Priyanka Sharma, StackOverflow acquired, Flux, Argo, HTTP 3, and more
- 1327.
- 1328.
DevOps'ish 220: Fretting over free tier, Amazon's creepy network, NOBELIUM, Half-Double Rowhammers on sale, Istio vs. Linkerd, cost of cloud, and more
- 1329.
- 1330.
HelloGitHub 第 62 期
- 1331.
- 1332.
DevOps'ish 219: Mobile First Development, Bill Gates, your Wi-Fi are belong to us, irksome IRC, Argo with Okta, kubectl debug, and more
- 1333.
- 1334.
Python之父爆料:明年至少令 Python 提速 1 倍!
- 1335.
DevOps'ish 218: What is DevOps eBook, Linux on the Desktop, racist AI, Darkside goes dark, systemd 💪, AWS free tier, lots of tools, and more